Friday, 17 May 2013

So, the time that I sit my Food Technology exam is looming, and fittingly, the main part of the exam is to design and annotate a biscuit product for a specialised diet. In the exam we may be given the special diet that the biscuit product should be suited for, otherwise the question will generalise 'special diets'. If the question is asked without specific mentioning of one particular dietary need, I have decided to base my design on diabetes.
Considering that the main requirement of a diabetic diet is to reduce the amount of sugar intake, I am flicking ideas through my head of savoury biscuits such as parmesan biscuits or herby biscuits. I thought this would be a good idea when it comes to reducing sugar intake because it would offer diabetic people the opportunity to enjoy a biscuit based, baked product without having to worry about their blood sugar levels.
If the exam does specify a diet, I will have to take whatever savoury biscuit I decide on in the end and adapt it to suit the diet. For example, if nut allergy is specified I will make sure that my product is 100% nut free. Or if coeliac disease is particularly mentioned, I could change the flour so that I used a wheat and gluten free flour and that any standard components that I use are also wheat and gluten free.
If anyone has any ideas of a savoury biscuit that I could design in my exam please feel free to comment, or if anyone has any opinions on my own initial ideas I am happy to read about them. I'll let you know how the exam goes in a few weeks once it's over.

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